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Women aged 30 earn $350 more annually (+2.7%) if they were in classes with 55% girls instead of 45% (or two additional girls), based on data from 750,560 Swedish students

New discovery reveals how diatoms capture CO2 so effectively

A research team discovered that the intensity of physical activity affects mortality risk: it significantly decreases when physical activity is more intense

A study on the liberalization of medical marijuana in the U.S

A friendly pat on the back can improve performance in basketball: A free throw in basketball can be a stressful situation

Researchers have discovered more than 30 new and unknown species of bacteria from patient samples since 2014, some of which are associated with clinically relevant infections

Light colour is less important for the internal clock than originally thought: study n=16 exposed to a blueish or yellowish light stimulus for one hour in the late evening, as well as a white light stimulus as a control condition found "no evidence that the variation of light plays a relevant role"

11.8M CHF for clinical trials of novel arthritis repair

Metabolite drives tumor development: scientists have discovered that high levels of the amino acid arginine drive metabolic reprogramming to promote tumor growth in liver cell cancer

Active children are more resilient. School children cope better with the stress if they get plenty of daily exercise

Research team has discovered a molecular switch (the protein Arf1) that regulates lipid metabolism in our cells and controls the storage or conversion of lipids into energy

Skiing over the Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed – even with snow guns

Probiotics can support the effect of antidepressants

Twin photons from unequal sources: A team of researchers from Basel and Bochum has now produced identical photons with different quantum dots – an important step towards applications such as tap-proof communications and the quantum internet

Consequences of climate change in the Alps are visible from space

The cerebral cortex is thought to be the seat of conscious processing in the brain but rather than being inactivated, specific cells in the cortex show higher spontaneous activity during general anesthesia than when awake

Qubits based on FinFET at above 4 kelvin and use holes as spin qubits

When mice switching from hear to listening, researchers indentify ten distinct types of activity change in neuronal activity and even the detection of a simple sound is a cognitive process that profoundly and extensively shapes the way the brain works…

New muscle layer discovered on the jaw

Basel study for Switzerland has revealed that cigarette sales ban does not make smoking more attractive, neither does it act as a significant deterrent on smoking among young people

Unusual prey: spiders eating snakes

Climate change in antiquity: mass emigration due to water scarcity

Over the long-term, what one partner in a two-person relationship wishes to avoid, so too does the other partner - and what one wants to achieve, so does the other

Laughter acts as a stress buffer – and even smiling helps

Study explains why lopinavir and hydroxychloroquine do not work on Covid-19: Results clearly indicate that drug metabolism enzymes (cytochrome P450 3A) are inhibited by systemic inflammation

Our sleep during lockdown: longer and more regular, but worse

White noise improves hearing. White noise background improves tone discrimination by suppressing cortical tuning curves

Learning fine motor coordination changes the brain

The geometry of an electron determined for the first time

Live better with attainable goals - Those who set realistic goals can hope for a higher level of well-being

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