
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Check if your performance intuition still works with CUDA

How much math can you do in 10 lines of Python

A smooth and sharp image interpolation you probably haven't heard of

The C++ Killers (Not You, Rust)

So you think you know C? (2016)

Why did I write Geometry for Programmers

So You Think You Know C? (2020) [pdf]

Even if you can't write assembly, you can read disassembly

SymPy makes math fun again

APL deserves its Renaissance too

Can you tell an assembly language when you see one?

Redundant Stories about Redundancy

Partial order and non-Boolean logic

Simple Image Vectorization

Yet another alternative to floating-point numbers

Why is it ok to divide by 0.0?

Bi-whatever transformations

Eleven Short Essays on Programming Languages

Sine and cosine

Logic Programming in C++ (2018)

Challenge your performance intuition with nanosecond sorting

Circles and lines vs. polynomial splines

So you think you know C?

Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting

Learn you a Lisp in 0 minutes

SymPy makes math fun again

Yet another floating point tutorial

Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting

Outperforming everything with anything Python? Sure, why not?

Simplest possible smooth contouring algorithm

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