OCaml Syntax Sucks (2016)

Algorithmic Mathematical Art (2004)

Google Crimes

Why Emacs Keys Are Painful

Famous Programers with Repetitive Strain Injury (2022)

LISP vs WolframLang

Rob Pike on the Origin of Unix Dot File Names

The Sad Story of OAuth 2.0 and Open Standards

∑ Xah Code

Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves

Dvorak vs. Colemak

The TeX Pestilence (Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks)

UTF8 History

Why I'm Switching from Mac to Windows

Problems of Traditional Math Notation (2004)

A country of which nothing is known but the name Grothendieck

History of Emacs and vi Keys (2010)

The Idiocy of Hacker Keyboards (2010)