The many flavors of edible ants

Barnacle proteins protect metals from corrosion in salt water

Do we know enough about the safety of quat disinfectants? (2020)

Nanoscale device allows brain chemistry observation at smallest level

Radio waves reprogram bacteria to become vital drugs with 91% efficacy

Levels of mercury in tuna have remained nearly the same for the past 50 years despite drops in atmospheric mercury emissions

90% of tattoo ink contains chemicals that can cause organ damage

Efficient recovery and recycling of cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries

Researchers develop 3D printable microscale quantum sensors

Futuristic bone bandage sends electric currents to help you heal | Researchers are finding better ways to treat bone damage.

Lighting up Alzheimer’s-related proteins to allow for earlier disease detection: Scientists develop a fluorescent sensor array that can light up amyloids to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases…

Fertilizing Fields With Sewage Sludge Releases More Microplastics Into the Air Than Previously Believed, Study Finds

Berkeley scientist develop methods for imaging Metamaterials in 3D with feature sizes 50 times smaller than the thickness of a hair

Artificial ‘power plants’ harness energy from wind and rain

Study finds windmills have no effect on bird populations, but shale oil and gas production does

Periodic Table Gallery

Quantifying the Effects of Energy Infrastructure on Bird Populations and Biodiversity

The Curiosity of the Young

Iowa state researchers claim Lk-99 really is a superconductor

Scientists have created an electronic tongue, or an E-tongue, which acts like human tongues which have a sense of taste

Scientists developed new compounds derived from psilocybin, the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms”, that are designed to reduce the psychedelic effects associated with psilocybin while maintaining its therapeutic benefits.

Toxicity of Aged Paint Particles to Soil Ecosystems: Insights from Caenorhabditis elegans (Dec 2023)

Next generation blue light could potentially promote or hinder sleep on command: researchers have designed more “human-centric” LEDs that could potentially enhance drowsiness or alertness on command by emitting blue wavelengths near 450 nm…

Scientists release the recipe for lab-grown coffee

EPA orders packaging firm Inhance to stop making PFAS

Swapping blood for spit – for convenient at-home health monitoring

Leaves are a Source of Biogenic Persistent Free Radicals

Berkeley Researchers Create "3D Printable" Quantum Sensors

“Indoor Solar” to power The Internet of Things

Novel Insights into the Dermal Bioaccessibility and Human Exposure to Brominated Flame Retardant Additives in Microplastics

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