Contrary to the conventional wisdom, borders in Africa were not arbitrarily drawn by European colonial powers

Girls outperform boys from primary school to university

Edible Australian plants could become new food crops for sustainable farming systems

Animalization of Kurds in Turkish-Speaking Social Media

Populist backlash against globalization: A meta-analysis of the causal evidence

Inscriptions carved on a 2,100-year-old bronze hand might be the earliest written example of the language that gave rise to modern Basque, archaeologists say.

There are no instances of fatal ecoterrorism – The only fatal terrorist attacks associated with the environmental movement are the Unabomber's activities

Evidence of the intentional use of black henbane in the Roman Netherlands

Compulsory voting can reduce polarization and push political parties towards the median voter’s preferences

A Partisan Solution to Partisan Gerrymandering: The Define–Combine Procedure

Pacific Island governments are increasingly imposing taxes on unhealthy foods as they battle a non-communicable disease crisis, a New Zealand study shows

A twin study has uncovered that the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and depressive symptoms is bidirectional between the ages of 12 and 16

The Sacred Lake Project: preliminary findings

When he smiles: Attractiveness preferences for male faces expressing emotions by women

Paranormal and conspiracist beliefs are positively associated with a global belief in a just world.

Young people are less likely to punish undemocratic behavior than older people

Prior to the 1990s, rural white Americans voted similarly as urban whites

There is little evidence for the emergence of a "woke" Democratic Party that prioritizes identity politics over pocketbook issues – The messaging of the party overwhelmingly emphasizes economic issues and has become more ambitious and progressive over time.

A study investigated the linguistic expressions related to the menstrual taboo

Possible to detect an industrial civilization in geological record? (2018)

Study found the the risk of hospital admission for psychosis was decreased during the 12 months following the introduction of atomoxetine and psychostimulants when combined with antipsychotics in people with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

Magicians scored lower than the general population sample on psychotic traits, the first study to show this in a creative group

A correct-by-construction conversion from lambda calculus to combinatory logic

The use and misuse of evolutionary psychology in online manosphere communities

How Wikipedia became the last good place on the internet

The Origins of Money in Diablo II

Over 11% of the world’s billionaires have held or sought political office, which is an exceedingly high rate

Runes on Viking stones speak to an ancient queen’s power

Democrats won the 2020 election by mobilizing new voters and getting some 2016 Trump and Jill Stein voters to switch to Biden

True to form: Media and data technologies of self-inscription

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