TypeScript's React.ReactNode type is a black hole

Changelog with Charm: Making the command line glamorous

The big idea around unikernels

Coding Go in the blind

Richard Hipp returns to The Changelog podcast

Why Neovim? With TJ DeVries, Neovim Core Maintainer (The Changelog #457)

Exploring Deno Land with Ryan Dahl [audio]

Thoughts on how to structure Go code

You might as well timestamp it

What happens when Go programs end? (Podcast with transcript)

PETAL – the end-to-end web stack

The new changelog.com setup for 2020

Tobias Lutke still writes code for Shopify

The testing pyramid should look more like a crab

Git is simply too hard

How Go helped save HealthCare.gov

What's so about Postgres? (transcript)

Use long flags when scripting (2013)

Go Time - Community Q&A using Questions from Reddit

You can install fonts with homebrew?

GoTime: The Latest on Generics

Go Time Podcast, “Generics in Go with Ian Lance Taylor” (2019)

Why SQLite succeeded as a database (2016)

Why do so many developers get DRY wrong?

The careful process behind Fyne’s simplicity

How I convinced my government to apologise to Alan Turing

Monoliths Are the Future

Practical AI #72: How the U.S. Military Thinks about AI (Greg Allen)

Podcast: Using Rust for Machine Learning in Search at Etsy

7 insights from the State of JS 2019

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