Cython vs PyPy vs Nuitka: What would be your pick of these Python compilers

Write faster C extensions for Python with Cython

EasyAsPy | Compiling Python Code with Cython

An Introduction to Cython, the Secret Python Extension with Superpowers

How Numba and Cython speed up Python code

Getting the best of every world: Cython and Pythran working together

What CPython could use Cython for

Why Numba and Cython are not substitutes for Julia

How Numba and Cython speed up Python code

A multi-core Python HTTP server (much) faster than Go (spoiler: Cython)

Making your C library callable from Python by wrapping it with Cython

Comparing the new Pythran to Cython, and implementations in Scipy, Numpy, "vanilla" Python, and Fortran (f2py)

How Numba and Cython speed up Python code

statically: A decorator that compiles a function or class with cython.

What's new in Cython 0.27?

Protecting Python Sources With Cython

Performance benchmarks for Numba and Cython

What's new in Cython 0.26?

multipart/form-data parser based on Cython (with support for parsing request chunks)

Writing C in Cython

Introduction to Cython

Visual C++ Build Tools for Python 3.5+, Cython, Node.JS, Rust

Cython, Numpy and Pythran benchmarks

Writing C in Cython [x-post from /r/programming]

Avoiding CPython's GIL with Cython: a non-trivial example

Parallel Processing in Python/Cython

Julia fractal wallpaper including the parallel Cython code used to generate it

A comparison of Numpy, NumExpr, Numba, Cython, TensorFlow, PyOpenCl, and PyCUDA to compute Mandelbrot set

A Speed Comparison Of C, Julia, Python, Numba, and Cython on LU Factorization

SVG Support Coming to KivEnt (Python/Cython Game Engine)

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