Varnish Explained

Google’s QUIC protocol: moving the web from TCP to UDP

Why do we automate?

The Bash For Loop, The First Step in Automation on Linux

Chrome 51 has been released, HTTP/2 is disabled for most sites

The day Google Chrome disabled HTTP/2 for nearly everyone: May 15th, 2016

Apple moves iOS to IPv6-only networks

Nginx 1.10 brings HTTP/2 support to the stable releases

How to stay up-to-date on open source announcements and vulnerabilities via Twitter

Bash on Windows: a hidden Bitcoin goldmine?

Running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows: Demo

Remote Code Execution in all Git versions (client and server)


Optimize the size of .PNG images automatically on your webserver with optipng

A technical guide to SEO

Very simple 'git push' workflow to deploy code on your own server

What is a 'unikernel'?

Simulate low-bandwidth conditions with Chrome's network throttling

Firefox Nightly starts marking login-forms in HTTP as insecure

Terminal escape sequences - the new XSS for Linux sysadmins

Enable HTTP/2 in Nginx

The Scary Revelation: The Advertising Options On Facebook & Twitter

What happens to a new URL the first 10 minutes on the internet?

Chrome 44 Sending HTTPs Header by Mistake, Breaking Web Applications Everywhere

Why We're Still Seeing PHP 5.3 In The Wild (Or: PHP Versions, A History)

The Worst Possible DevOps Advice

The Infinite File Download

The Broken State of Trust In Root Certificates

Architecting Websites for the HTTP/2 Era

In Defence of WordPress

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