Parental investment may have aided evolution of larger brains

Scientists discovered that a change in the brain's neural pathways while dieting facilitates rebound weight gain, this discovery could be a target for drugs to combat the yo-yo effect

Ice Age Survivors

Life in the smoke of underwater volcanoes

Researchers have now shown that foods with a high fat and sugar content change our brain, and If we regularly eat even small amounts of them, the brain learns to consume precisely these foods in the future and it unconsciously learns to prefer high-fat snacks

An international team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and the University of Tennessee has now identified a new aerial leader: the Brazilian free-tailed bat

Swing Ratio

Brown algae could remove up to 0.55 gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year, study finds

Moles shrink their skull and brain size in winter, to conserve energy

Critical ignoring as a core competence for digital citizens

Braess's Paradox

Research shows animals are key to restoring the world’s forests

Study has tracked wild birds over three countries in Europe to examine the long-term impact of fireworks before and after New Year’s Eve and found changes in birds behaviour that persisted well after the fireworks ended

Technical milestone reached: global earth system simulations with 1.2 km resoln

How the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak

Rethinking Indoor Air Chemistry

An hour-long stroll in nature helps decrease activity in an area of the brain associated with stress processing

Suffocating cancer cells-Self-assembling molecules could help in cancer therapy

Icon: Implicit Clothed Humans Obtained from Normals

Rapamycin, drug used in cancer therapy, emerges as powerful anti-aging remedy

New Tuberculosis vaccine candidate safe in HIV- and non-HIV-exposed newborns

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have managed to entangle more than a dozen photons efficiently and in a defined way

Brain stem cells of modern humans make fewer mistakes in the distribution of their chromosomes to the daughter cells compared to Neanderthal, could have consequences for how the brain develops and functions…

Children compensate for lack of concentration through creativity

Astronomers have detected the alcohol molecule in interstellar space for the first time, in the form of propanol isomers -- normal-propanol (which has been detected in a star-forming region) & iso-propanol (the key ingredient in hand sanitizer).

Lexibank: the most extensive publicly available global repository of linguistic data contains standardized lexical data for more than 2000 languages

Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces prevented 95% of wifi attacks

Scientists have found mothers who had experienced high stress levels, like worries, loss of joy or tension, during pregnancy were also more likely to report the occurrence of behavioural problems when their children were seven…

Actively forgetting a negative experience may help to prevent bad memories from constantly intruding on a person’s awareness and halt rumination

Researchers have, for the first time, decoded the highly complex genome of the potato

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