I wrote a sed script that renders mandelbrot set!

Show HN: Sed to C translator written in sed

Learn a little jq, awk and sed

s3rename: a CLI tool for mass-renaming S3 keys with sed-style regex expressions (written in Rust)

Desed: A Debugger for Sed

Show HN: Simple multiline find and replace with sed

Bach's prelude in C major written in pure sed

Pathfinding with sed

Learn a little jq, awk and sed

Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples

Fh: File history with ed, diff, awk, sed, and sh

Understanding sed – Practical Guide

Show HN: Stop googling sed/Awk. BSED: a simple, SQL-like syntax for text editing

I wrote a clean and commented implementation of brainfuck in sed.

Strans – sed by learning from examples, instead of programming

A proof that Unix utility sed is Turing complete

`sd` (`sed` alternative written in Rust) 0.5 releases, and it now compiles on Windows!

Maze solving algorithm implemented in sed

Using different delimiters in sed (2010)

sd - an intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)

Using sed to replace symlinks with a copy of the target file

An XMPP/Jabber echo bot written in sed

g2k18 hackathon report: Ingo Schwarze on sed(1) bugfixing with Martijn van Duren, and about other small userland stuff

Sed: a debugging story

A Brief History of sed

Using sed to make indexes for books (1997)

jq - like sed for JSON data

How to Make Money Using Grep, Sed and Awk

Here is your chance to really understand sed

GNU sed

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