Why Type Safety is Important

Enums in Rust – and why they feel better

Htmx, Rust and Shuttle: A New Rapid Prototyping Stack

Comparing testing in Rust with JavaScript

16 days of Rust coding challenges

A Static Site Generator in less than an hour

Compile-time SQL Validation with SQLx in Rust

An in-depth look at async-graphql

Shuttle Launchpad #10: Serving HTML

Rust vs Go: A Hands-On Comparison

Setting up Logging in Rust

Shuttle Launchpad #8: Building A WebSockets Chat

Patterns with Rust Types

Learn Rust by building real-world examples

Infrastructure FROM Code

Building a Semantic Search Engine in Rust using Qdrant

Web Scraping in Rust

Shuttle Launchpad #9: Custom server-side validation in Rust

Choosing the Right Rust Web Framework: An Overview

Implementing OAuth in Rust

Shuttle Launchpad #6: A Little CRUD

Shuttle Launchpad #7: A Little More CRUD

More than you've ever wanted to know about errors in Rust (2022)

Shuttle Launchpad #4: Ownership, Lifetimes, and the big win!

Shuttle Launchpad #5: Learn about traits in Rust while building an image processing app

Building & deploying a REST API with a Turso database

Shuttle Launchpad #3: Ownership & Error Handling

Shuttle is going into Beta - Build Backends. Fast.

Shuttle Launchpad #2: Structs & Enums

Rust for Javascript Developers: Building apps that utilize LLMs

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