Greenness around the home in early childhood does not seem to protect children from atopic eczema

Researchers have discovered an extensive neural network in the human brain that effectively processes various social information

Horses living in big enclosures and groups of at least three horses follow directional indications from humans better than horses kept in individual paddocks

Women who developed prediabetes after pregnancy had aberrations already in their early pregnancy blood serum metabolomic profile

Researchers have developed an AI-based method to replace chemical staining of tissue

Even very low levels of glyphosate-based herbicide residues can have a negative effect on plants’ endophytic microbes that are known for their plant-beneficial functions

A new study reveals that the bodily sensations evoked by art contribute to our emotions: the stronger the body's reaction is to the artwork, the stronger are the experienced emotions

Crop yield and plant resilience in cultivated grasslands can be increased by reducing the intensity of harvesting and the amount of pesticide residues in soil

Researchers developed a new method for measuring indoor air quality with fluorescent strains of nematodes

Living in a greener residential area increases the diversity of oligosaccharides in breastmilk

Mother’s health and lifestyle during pregnancy are important regulators of the child's neurodevelopment

Cumulative adverse psychosocial factors in childhood are associated with worse midlife cognitive function, shows a longitudinal study

Blood sample tests for cardiac troponin proteins are an important tool in the diagnostics of heart attack, but the result may be elevated also due to other conditions

Even a small dose of Roundup, a popular herbicide containing glyphosate, weakens bumblebees’ colour vision and memory

To spread, tumour cells need to break through their most proximal barrier, the basement membrane

The length of daylight hours impacts opioid receptor levels in brown fat. When daylight hours shorten, the receptor activity levels elevate

Natural mineral hackmanite has a unique intelligent quality, gamma exposure memory, and changes color upon exposure to nuclear radiation

A genetic defect causes an accumulation of lipids in the pulmonary alveoli, which leads to PAP lung disease

Horses can be more reluctant in new situations if they have had multiple riders, several owners or been with the current owner only for a short period of time

Natural mineral hackmanite can change its color upon exposure to UV radiation due to the movement of sodium atoms in its structure

Scientists discovered that a large amount of enterobacteria in the gut microbiota is related to long-term mortality risk in adult population

Scientists Believe Studies by Colleagues Are More Prone to Biases than Their Own Studies

Music-induced Emotions Can Be Predicted from Brain Scans

Phosphorus and fluorine have been discovered in solid dust particles collected from a comet

Sleep apnea may be risk factor for COVID-19 and anticipates a severe form of the disease

Increased exposure to thyroid hormones during pregnancy can have beneficial effects on biological age at birth

Children born extremely preterm are three times more likely to be diagnosed with depression than their peers born close to the expected date of delivery.

Scientists have discovered that titanium makes natural hackmanite glow white in the dark

Climate change pushes species distribution areas northward where species face e.g. habitat degradation

Researchers have designed an artificial cyanobacterial biofilm that sustains photosynthetic production of green ethylene for up to 40 days

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