Universal Binary Format

When "letting it crash" is not enough

Managing mutable data in Elixir with Rust

Erlang: The Movie [video]

Writing Python like it's Elixir (or Erlang)

OTP at a High Level (2019)

Erlang/OTP 27.0 Release Candidate 1

Writing Python like it’s Elixir (or Erlang)

Gleam v0.34

Gleam's New Interactive Language Tour

The Story of Elixir

Tail-Recursive & Body-Recursive Function Performance Across Elixir & BEAM versions – what’s the impact of the JIT?

The Erlang Ecosystem (2018) [video]

Gleam v0.33 – Exhaustive Gleam

Ask HN: Good examples of fault-tolerant Erlang code?

Htmx Is a Erlang

When is an Erlang process a shell?

My Favorite Gleam Feature

Polishing syntax for stability – Gleam v0.32 released

AtomVM: Erlang virtual machine for IoT devices

Things I like about Gleam's Syntax

Gleam: a type safe language on the Erlang VM

My favorite Erlang program (2013)

Is it possible to have hot reloading like Erlang in Golang?

The Hidden Origins of Lisp

Gleam v0.31.0 released

Intertwingling the Tiddlywiki with Erlang (2018)

Show HN: Erlmacs – a script to update your .emacs file for Erlang development

Erlang/OTP 26.1 Released

Two Erlang patterns I love

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