Exxon sees global oil demand plunging by 2040 under climate regulations

Exxon gets slap on the wrist after releasing 10 million pounds of pollutants in Texas, violating clean air act

Researchers say Exxon duped public over climate concerns

Exxon Misled the Public on Climate Change, Study Says

What Exxon Mobil Didn’t Say About Climate Change - Available documents show a systematic, quantifiable discrepancy between what Exxon Mobil’s scientists and executives discussed about climate change in private and in academic circles…

Harvard scientists took Exxon’s challenge; found it using the tobacco playbook - Exxon’s peer-reviewed papers and internal communications acknowledged that climate change is real and human-caused, but Exxon’s paid “advertorials” expressed doubt that climate change is real and human-caused.

Exxon’s support for a carbon tax is the first step in big oil’s long, negotiated surrender - The industry sees the writing on the wall.

NY prosecutor says Exxon needs to hand over documents on climate change risk

New York attorney general: Tillerson used 'Wayne Tracker' email alias at Exxon to discuss climate

Starbucks, Exxon, Apple: Companies Challenging or Silent on Trump’s Ban

Exxon Mobil must hand over climate change documents, judge rules

Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, climate archvillain, to be named secretary of state

For Exxon, Hybrid Car Technology Was Another Road Not Taken

A federal carbon tax is imminent in the USA – and Exxon is pushing it

House Science Committee convinced Fed fraud investigations stifle free speech. To preserve the free speech of Exxon, Rep

Some shareholders are seeking to force Exxon Mobil to acknowledge the growing threat from climate change at the company's AGM on Wednesday

Exxon Mobil must allow climate change vote – SEC

Inquiry looks at possible lies by Exxon about climate change

More Oil Companies Could Join Exxon Mobil as Focus of Climate Investigations

Federal scientists have determined that extremely low levels of crude oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez caused heart problems in embryonic fish, a conclusion that could shape how damage is assessed in other major spills

Federal scientists have determined that extremely low levels of crude oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez caused heart problems in embryonic fish, a conclusion that could shape how damage is assessed in other major spills.

When Exxon wanted to be a personal computing revolutionary

Apple Is Now More Than Double the Size of Exxon–And Everyone Else