Welcome to Bypass Paywalls Chrome Clean (2021)

Curl/libcurl HIGH CVE-2023-38545 leaked early?

Literate Documentation with Emacs and Org Mode

Outer Loop Vectorization: A SIMT Approach

Ectype - bringing type safety (and more!) to vanilla JavaScript

Slogor - An opinionated colorful slog handler

Learn advanced Rust programming with a little help from AI

I spent an inordinate amount of time learning about vertex enumeration here's the result

Gitlab Critical Security Release: 16.3.4 and 16.2.7

I didn't like gopass, so I wrote my own password manager

An explanation on how to enumerate the vertices of a convex polytope in 3D

Support ActivityPub for merge requests

Gitlab Gitaly project now supports the SHA-256 hashing algorithm

Orb is a free and open source web desktop

Notes from _The Programmer's Brain_

Explore the Dragon Realm: Build a C++ adventure game with a little help from AI

EasyDropzoneJS – open-source JavaScript library for drag&drop files

gotools: A Go tool to update your Go tools

The Styx Programming Language

Shadow programs give employees a peek into leadership roles

Beautifying our UI: Giving Gitlab build features a fresh look

Gitlab.com is down


Gitlab’s AI-assisted code suggestions

Gitlab has introduced a five-user limit for free groups

What to know about a fake job scam impersonating Gitlab

OpenMW: Open-source TES3: Morrowind reimplementation

LISP Runtime written from scratch in safe Rust

I made a boilerplate 🧪 Python/Flask + GCP Cloud Run + Docker + Gitlab · GitLab

Neptune - Blazingly fast web server

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