Scientists exploring why skin blisters caused by cutaneous leishmaniasis don’t hurt have analyzed metabolic signaling pathways in lesions of infected mice

Teachers rated suspending or expelling students as the least effective way of addressing violence against educators, despite the popularity of “zero tolerance” policies in many school districts

New study finds that ice cores recovered from tropical locations reveal more about Earth's complex climate record over the past 60 years.

Asian longhorned ticks arrived in Ohio in such huge numbers in 2021 that their feeding frenzy left 3 cattle dead of what researchers believe was severe blood loss

A new soft robot dubbed "Rhombot" could soon usher in a new era of scientific analysis for researchers aiming to learn more about natural selection and evolution.

New study examines link between speed of past underwater landslides and tsunamis, a finding that could reveal more about how these dangerous waves are generated.

The discovery of a physical interaction between 2 proteins in brain cells that can be traced in mice to control of movement, anxiety and memory could one day open the door to development of new schizophrenia treatment strategies…

‘Dim-witted’ pigeons use the same principles as AI to solve tasks -- allowing them to work out complex categorization problems that would vex humans.

New research demonstrates a powerful physics phenomenon called the "orbital Hall Effect," that could be used to improve spintronic technologies, such as satellites and high-tech computers…

Scientists have breathed new life into the study of a protein with an outsized link to human cancers because of its dangerous mutations, using advanced research techniques to detect its hidden regions.

One treatment each of 2 psychedelic drugs, ibogaine hydrochloride & 5-MeO-DMT, lowered depression & anxiety & improved cognitive functioning in a sample of U.S

A new study found those whose values – political or otherwise – don’t match the majority in their workplace organization felt they received less respect and as a result were less engaged at work

Using fMRI scans on 19 lonely fans of “Game of Thrones”, researchers discovered that they processed their favorite characters similarly to real friends in their brains

Political independents are more negative than partisans

A new study finds that ultrasound may be an effective tool in ridding U.S groundwater of toxic ‘forever chemicals'

The omega-3 fatty acid DHA may help protect the brain from an unhealthy diet’s effects by curbing fat-induced inflammation at the cellular source

People don't like if they find out a friend used AI to help craft a message to them, a new study suggests

The parasites that cause visceral leishmaniasis appear to have a secret weapon, new research suggests: They can infect non-immune cells and persist in those uncommon environments.

Yogurt may be the next go-to garlic breath remedy: A new study showed that whole milk plain yogurt prevented 99% of the major odor-producing raw garlic volatiles from escaping into the air

White-tailed deer across Ohio have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, a new study found – and viral variants evolve about 3 times faster in deer than in humans

City life is more stressful for coyotes

Creativity training increases resilience of children, small study finds

By analyzing old data from the supernovae 1987A, a new study offers hints to a decades-old astrophysical problem on how cosmic stellar explosions are affected by neutrinos.

More than 4 out of 5 older women survivors of colorectal cancer may be experiencing a range of gastrointestinal symptoms many years after being diagnosed and treated, a new study suggests

Two different news environments found on Facebook, according to study of 2.2 million news stories shared on the site. It was low-credibility vs

When Deadpool, Elastigirl, Wolverine & other superheroes were used in a college anatomy class to add relevance to course discussions, surveys showed most students found the use of superheroes increased their motivation to learn & deepened their understanding of the material.

A new study analyzing toxins produced by Microcystis, the main type of cyanobacteria that compose the annual harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie, suggests that the toxicity of the bloom may be overestimated in earlier warm months and underestimated later in the summer.

Democrats and the vaccinated are more likely than others to believer anti-vaxxers who die from COVID-19 deserved their fate, a new study finds

Study finds how to reduce risk of kids playing with a found gun

A new study analyzes how well next-gen telescope instruments could offer insight into habitable worlds beyond our solar system.

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