10 years on, what would you change about Swift?

Noncopyable Standard Library Primitives

Objective-C implementations in Swift

Swift sucks at web serving or does it?

New Upcoming Swift Conference! 21st - 24th May 2024 in Folkestone, UK

Swift Tooling: Windows Edition

Async Channels for Swift Concurrency

Swift's native Clocks are inefficient

Swift Proxy Checker

in-memory swift key-value storage inside an information system

Tech Talks Weekly #12: freshly uploaded talks from React Miami 2024, Conf42 Golang 2024, GOTO 2024 and 2023, NDC London 2024, Vue.js Live 2024, try! Swift Tokyo 2024, LeadDev West Coast 2023…

ReAMP, a Winamp Remake in Swift

Taylor Swift just broke Spotify

Swift for C++ Practitioners, Part 1: Intro and Value Types

Calling Haskell from Swift

Swift for C++ Practitioners

How one line of code led to +50% faster Swift compilation for tens of thousands of teams

Get Started with Embedded Swift on ARM and RISC-V Microcontrollers

Develop in Swift Tutorials

Multimodal On-Device Embeddings for JavaScript, Swift, and Python

Build Linux ChatGPT App using Adwaita Swift Demo | GTK | GNOME | SwiftUI

Good afternoon everyone!! I'm new to programming. I want to join the gaming field. What language do you recommend to me? Java, C++, C#, swift, gml?

Writing Gnome Apps with Swift

Byte-Sized Swift: Building Tiny Games for the Playdate

How the SwiftUI View Lifecycle and Identity work

Iterate over Parameter Packs in Swift 6.0

Introducing the Benchmark Package: Complementing Unit Tests with Performance Checks

Our journey with Swift thus far - some notes and reflections

Making Friends with AttributeGraph

Swift 5.10 Released

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