
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

10 years on, what would you change about Swift?

Our journey with Swift thus far - some notes and reflections

Embedded Swift on the Raspberry Pi Pico

Low-level operations for volatile memory accesses

Embedded Swift

Why is Swift so slow (timeout) in compiling this code? (2022)

VSCode Swift v1.0.0

Compiling Swift generics, Part I

The Val Object Model: Template for a possible future Swift object model

Implementing Parts of the Swift Compiler in Swift

Moving “The Swift Programming Language” Book to Open Source

Violet - Python VM written in Swift

Chris Lattner left Swift core team

Lattner: Swift Core Team toxic and departure

Swift and C++ interoperability workgroup announcement

Swift Roadmap for performance predictability: ARC improvements and ownership

Swift is trying to become Rust!

Pitch: Control Flow Negation Statements (2019)

On the proliferation of try (and, soon, await)

Differentiable programming for gradient-based machine learning

Swift Concurrency Roadmap

Swift type checking is undecidable

Swift Soars Ever Higher

IBM Stops Server Side Swift Framework Development

Convert [UInt8] to Int

Differentiable Programming Mega-Proposal

Apple is patenting Swift features

Introducing SourceKit-LSP

Swift Intermediate Language Ownership Model Proposal

Swift String’s ABI and UTF-8

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