I created an online json<->toml converter with rust and wasm https://pseitz.github.io/toml-to-json-online-converter/

Idea: introduce `project` field to Cargo.toml to make micro-crate designs less scary

Neovim: Show crate version info inline in Cargo.toml

Goodbye JSON, Hello TOML

Mconfig: Lightweight Golang library for integrating configs files like (json, yml, toml) and environment variables into one config struct.

Google has no love for TOML

Show HN: SAN – a Safe and Nice TOML/YAML Alternative

SAN parser for Go - a Simple And Needed YAML/TOML alternative

Toml: Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language

TOML Kit - A v0.5.0-compliant, style-preserving TOML library for Python