
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Lib for Co-operative Multitasking

Introducing šŸ„ A new Bitbucket pull request experience

Blaze: A High Performance C++ Math Library

Blaze: A high-performance C++ math library

Eye of the Beholder: C64 Port

Bitbucket Cloud has landed in AWS

Blaze: High Performance Vector/Matrix Arithmetic Library For C++

Encountering some turbulence on Bitbucketā€™s journey to a new platform

Show HN: AgoBrowse: Picture books for kids without distractions

Blackbody: a thermogram viewer written in Rust, also introducing a new file format parser in Rust

Beating Google's ReCaptcha Using AWS Rekognition (MIT license)

Beating Google ReCaptcha and the funCaptcha using AWS Rekognition

Bypass Paywalls Clean for Chrome/Firefox

Tutorial on building a desktop app with Go and Goey

Pas6502 (Object Pascal dialect compiler to 6502)

Show HN: Log-Scale COVID19 Plots

Best Practices for Java Security

Scaling Bitbucketā€™s Database

ngn/k, an AGPL k interpreter

Jackson Object Stream

99% of the Git commands you'll need at work, demonstrated in a single script

Android 10 - prohibited use of exec causes family of servers to die

Bounded Integer ā€“ Header only C++ library,replaces integers,adds explicit bounds

Sunsetting Mercurial Support in Bitbucket

Sign in with Apple Differs from OpenID Connect

My first crate: StaticVec, a fully const-generics-based fixed-size Vec alternative (conceptually similar to ArrayVec, e.t.c.)

Direct3D12_CppWinRT_XAML_Cube - I refuse to believe that nobody, ever, has ever had a need to combine Direct3D 12, UWP, XAML and the newest attempt from Microsoft to be C++-friendly (C++/WinRT)

Show HN: First Crack, a simple static blog engine in Python

We chose Rust as our programming language

Scopes ā€“ Retargetable programming language and infrastructure

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