
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Consumer-grade routers on puny power supplies (2024)

A transport protocol's view of Starlink

How to inspect TLS encrypted traffic

The realities of building an IPv6-only city – APNIC

TCP Fast Open? Not so fast (2021)

Improving SSH's security with SSHFP DNS records (2022)

Vulnerabilities show why STARTTLS should be avoided if possible (2021)

End-to-end congestion control cannot avoid latency spikes (2022)

Journeying into XDP: Fully-fledged DNS service augmentation (2022)

Off-path TCP hijacking in NAT-enabled Wi-Fi networks

Navigating Starlink's FCC Paper Trail

The prevalence, persistence, and perils of lame delegations (2021)

A transport protocol's view of Starlink

Calling Time on DNSSEC?

Is regulated BGP security coming?

When it's not DNS, it's probably NTP

Call the Routing Police

Enabling IPv6 support for IPv4-only apps on Linux

HTTP/3 adoption is growing rapidly

Bcrypt at 25: A retrospective on password security

Icanhazip: A simple IP address tool survived a deluge of users (2021)

HSTS preload - adoption and challenges

Happy 50th Birthday, Ethernet

What’s happening with growth in BGP?

Stanford tool resolves all 4 billion IPv4 addresses in 12 hours

Kirin: A BGP flooding attack feasibility

Stop using ridiculously low DNS TTLs (2019)

Chromium's impact on root DNS traffic (2020)

An investigation into Apple’s new Relay network

A few of my favourite things about the OpenBSD Packet Filter tools

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