Both shorter and longer durations of sleep during the night (less 6h or more 8h) and midday naps longer than 30min are associated with a higher likelihood of mild cognitive impairment, while optimal cognitive benefits are linked to ~7h of nighttime sleep and a nap duration of less than 30min

Study on 17,855 pregnant women demonstrates a positive association between exposure to PM2.5 and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

Study finds sedentary coffee drinkers have a 24 percent reduced risk of mortality compared with sedentary non-coffee-drinkers

The impact of housing prices on residents’ health: a systematic review

A new study reveals that 87.6% of people watch health-related content on YouTube, and 84.7% make decisions based on what they watch

More than half of popular fitness influencers on Instagram are pushing harmful content about body ideals, exercise

Unhealthy air and poor diet increase risk of preterm birth, study finds

Babies fed exclusively on breast milk ‘significantly less likely to get sick’, Irish study finds

A study found that "three years since legalization, Canadian cannabis consumers generally had increasingly favourable perceptions of legal vs

Unconditional cash transfers and maternal substance use: findings from a randomized control trial of low-income mothers with infants in the U.S

A meta-analysis of 14 cross-sectional studies showed that excessive time spent on social media platform was associated with a greater likelihood of having symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Canadian study suggests that reductions in prescribed opioids lead non-medical opioid users to riskier supplies

One bottle of wine a week, has same effect on cancer risk as 5-10 cigarettes

Total release foggers, commonly known as "bug bombs," are ineffective at removing cockroaches from indoor environments, leaving behind toxic residue, according to a new study from North Carolina State University

Young people in England aren't just drinking less alcohol - a new study published in BMC Public Health shows that more of them are never taking up alcohol at all, and that the increase is widespread among young people.

Fewer than six and more than ten hours of sleep per day are associated with metabolic syndrome and its individual components

Recess periods can many benefits to elementary school children, but they are tied closely to the quality of the playground experience

Chemical crowd control devices (e.g., pepper spray) are responsible for 9000+ injuries including 58 permanent disabilities and 2 deaths across 11 countries

Dog owners on average walked 22 minutes more per day compared to people who didn't own a dog, in a study published in the journal BMC Public Health.