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New York redlined communities face higher mental health risks from air pollution

Introducing compulsory voting in the United States and other majoritarian democracies, with meaningful and enforceable penalties for abstention, has the potential to reduce political polarization and protect democratic institutions from anti-democratic threats

How to Study (2023)

Intensionality vs. Intentionality (2002)

Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach (1992) [pdf]

Study finds link to unclean cooking fuels and developmental delays in children: from pregnancy to 36 months of age increased the odds of failing any developmental domain by 28%…

After treatment with semaglutide, newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes patients needed little or no insulin

Study: Inflammation drives social media use

The Optics Library

Don't worry, be happy. It's not that simple, according to research

Big data study refutes anti-vax blood clot claims about COVID-19 vaccines

Researchers have found people who seek solitude out of fear of, or a dislike for, social interactions experienced increased anxiety when interacting with others on days when they got more time alone than usual

Researchers have found a protein effective at reversing aging in skeletal muscle cells

Study shows AI-backed earbud system, capable of records how the chirp reverberates throughout the ear canals, is 82.6% accurate in spotting common ear infections, ruptured eardrums and earwax blockage

New research shows COVID-19 accounted for 82% of deaths among Black members of law enforcement and 77% of deaths in Latinx officers, far higher than the 48% of deaths among white police officers.

Research has found higher intake of sugary and high glycemic load foods — like doughnuts and other baked goods, regular soft drinks, breads and non-fat yogurts — may influence poor oral health.

Social media use tied to poor physical health

How elephants may offer clues to cancer resistance

New Algorithm Searches Historic Documents to Identify Noteworthy People

Impulsiveness tied to faster eating in children, can lead to obesity

Reading leads to success in math, suggests a new study that shows how reading skill shapes more than just reading

Study finds that people who are unjustly stopped, searched, or questioned by law enforcement will likely experience a range of detrimental outcomes associated with unfair police treatment…

Big creatures — which have many more cells — should develop tumors more frequently

Detecting ADHD with near perfect accuracy - Scientists used machine-learning classifiers to identify with 99% accuracy those adults who had received a childhood diagnosis of ADHD many years earlier, finding that brain connectivity is a stable biomarker for ADHD.

Essential Coding Theory

People who are certain that one of their opinions is right, tend to be certain about all their opinions, according to five studies across 106,000 people.

Government policies push schools to prioritize creating better test-takers over better people

From watching reruns to relationships, there are many ways of feeling connected

Study: Money can’t buy love – or friendship

Genevieve Grotjan unraveled enemy codes during World War II (2018)

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