Implementing API threat protection

Organizational + technical challenges when migrating from a monolith to microservices, and how Amazon built a microservices culture

Challenges of optimizing a microservices architecture for scalability and performance & how to navigate them (service communication and latency, data management and consistency, scalability…

Standardizing authorization, non-human identities & delegated access, AI for audit log analysis and other AuthZ trends we see in 2025

How to build an authorization system for your RAG applications with LangChain + Chroma DB

CRDTs and Collaborative Playground

Potential vulnerabilities of a microservices architecture and how to safeguard against them (authentication + authorization, secure communication, API Gateway, Zero Trust)

Testing (unit, contract, integration, end-to-end) and deployment (blue-green, canary, rolling update, serverless) strategies to maintain the quality and stability of microservices

Zero trust authorization

The value of monitoring and observability in microservices & associated challenges (interaction of data silos, scalability, lack of standard tools)

What's so bad about sidecars, anyway?

RBAC in JavaScript

Designing service discovery and load balancing in a microservices architecture

Picking the right communication pattern for your microservices

Everything you need to know before migrating to a decentralized data storage system

Determining service boundaries and decomposing your monolith

How to implement authorization using Cerbos in Go

5 factors to weigh when building authorization architecture

3 most common authorization designs for SaaS products (ACL, RBAC, ABAC)

The technical complexities of decoupled authorization

SaaS authentication and authorization made easy

[Tutorial] Nuxt authorization: How to implement fine-grained access control

From HTTP to gRPC: Trials, tribulations and triumphs of porting our Python SDK | Cerbos

Cerbos and FusionAuth

Keeping documentation in sync with source code