
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Automata via Macros (2006)

Identifying and Correcting Programming Language Behavior Misconceptions

Experiment: Improving the Rust Book

A Core Calculus for Documents [pdf]

Error Messages Are Classifiers

How to Search on Encrypted Data (2013)

A Little Calculus

Hygienic Resugaring of Compositional Desugaring

The Rust book experiment: interactive quizzes and visualizations

Shallow Typed Racket

Experiment: Improving the Rust book

X64 Cheat Sheet

CSCI1730: Introduction to Programming Languages (BrownU)

Executable Examples for Programming Problem Comprehension

Show HN: Augmented reality apps made hands-on interactive

Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation

Mach: A Pluggable Metrics Storage Engine for the Age of Observability

Show HN: Live-Editable SVG Shaders/Filters for Drawing

Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization

Dissecting Performance of Production QUIC

Automated, Targeted Testing of Property-Based Testing Predicates

Using Relational Problems to Teach Property-Based Testing

Mind Your Language: On Novices’ Interactions with Error Messages (2011)

Dissecting the performance of production QUIC

profiles of nearly 5,000 computer science professors in a spreadsheet

computer science open rankings

Can We Crowdsource Language Design?

Webgazer.js webcam eye tracking on the browser

Characterization of Forward-edge Control-flow Integrity Targets in LLVM-compiled Linux

Instruction Set Randomization: An Updated Implementation

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