Unity-like coroutines in plain old C

Letlang (a language written in Rust, that targets Rust) has now finalized the first draft of its specification

Writing Python like it’s Elixir (or Erlang)

Yet another static site generator, but for language designers

AI Toolkit — Give a brain to your NPCs, a header-only C++ library

I made my own noise function

Letlang — Roadblocks and how to overcome them - My programming language targeting Rust

Astmaker – A DSL in Rust for programming language designers

EnTT and ImGui, or how to reconcile ECS and GUIs?

Writing a simple Lisp interpreter in Rust

A new milestone for Letlang

Today I learned: Javascript and bitwise operations on floats

Procedural Map Generation in C++ — Part 1: The slow, the bad and the ugly

A very simple, yet versatile, game loop in C++ with EnTT

Decoupling input bindings from game systems with C++/SDL

A short introduction to Entity-Component-System in C++ with EnTT

Multiplayer, multithreading, and an actor model in C++

Letlang - Road to v0.1

Hello Letlang! My programming language targeting Rust

Do not wait for Rust generators

Understanding the Rust toolchain when you come from the C/C++ world