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Arctic Warming Is Driving Siberian Wildfires

How great was the Great Oxidation Event?

The Invisible Hand of Carbon Dioxide on Forest Productivity

An air quality model that is evolving with the times

Earth’s Subduction May Have Been Triggered by the Same Event That Formed the Moon - The giant impact that formed the Moon may also have led to extrastrong mantle plumes that enabled the first subduction event, kick-starting Earth’s unique system of sliding plates.

For decades scientists have been intrigued by a strange twist in the Moon’s history

Jet activity on Enceladus linked to tidally driven strike-slip motion along tiger stripes

Every 2.4 million years vigorous deep-sea currents sweep away sediment on a global scale, and Mars is the culprit.

Olivine May Have Given Life a Jump Start - New research shows olivine, common throughout the solar system, can help turn formaldehyde into sugars

A Million Years Without a Megaslide

New seafloor map only 25% done, with 6 years to go

A Problem for Sun-Blocking Cloud Geoengineering? Clouds Dissipate

El Niño May Have Kicked Off Thwaites Glacier Retreat - Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier” started losing mass midcentury, around the same time as its neighboring glacier.

First satellite imagery of the Feb-13, 2024 landslide at Çöpler Mine in Turkey

We've already seen category 6 hurricanes – scientists want to make it official

Oceans May Have Already Seen 1.7°C of Warming

Iron Snow Ebb and Flow May Cause Magnetic Fields to Come and Go - Lab experiments find that iron crystals in planetary cores may form in bursts, causing periodic dynamos.

Sandy Fingerprints Trace Supply Sources

Ham Radios Crowdsourced Ionospheric Science During Eclipse

Roughly half of all stars have planets orbiting them, scientists currently believe. And surely many have moons

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test Is a Smashing Success

Europa’s Plate Tectonic Activity Is Unlike Earth’s - The moon of Jupiter has likely experienced intermittent, regional plate tectonic activity in the past…

U.S. Streams Are Drying Up. Data showed that in the South and West, streamflow droughts got longer between 1951 and 2020, regardless of threshold

New research finds that mountains "sway to the seismic song of Earth"; the famed Matterhorn is in constant motion, gently swaying back and forth about once every 2 seconds.

Lake Michigan’s Salinity Is on the Rise

The unsolved mystery of the Earth blobs

Extinct Style of Plate Tectonics Explains Early Earth’s Flat Mountains - The geologic record suggests that despite Earth’s hot, thin crust during the Proterozoic, mountains were still able to form thanks to an extinct style of crustal deformation.

Fifteen Years of Radar Reveal Venus’s Most Basic Facts

Siberian Heat Wave Nearly Impossible Without Human Influence - Global warming made the heat wave at least 600 times more likely than in 1900

The looming crisis of Sinking ground in Mexico City. Centuries of pumping water from the aquifer under Mexico City has caused it to sink dramatically

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