Doctors taking bribes from pharmaceutical companies is common and not substantially reduced by an educational intervention, finds a new randomised controlled trial from Pakistan

Decades of conflict in Iraq have fuelled “catastrophic” rise in antibiotic resistance, according to group of international experts

Covid-19 vaccine policy mandates and restrictions may cause more harm than good

Canine real-time detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the context of a mass screening event

More than 1 billion teens and young people are potentially at risk of hearing loss because of their use of headphones and earbuds and attendance at loud music venues, concludes a pooled data analysis of the available evidence

Global increases in the red and processed meat trade contributed to the abrupt increase of diet-related diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

The threat posed by anti-vaccination efforts on social media is critically important with the need for worldwide COVID-19 vaccination

Study shows that insulin prices could be much lower and drug makers would still make healthy profits