Vaccines do not increase risk for lupus, meta-analysis finds

Research suggests that school-based physical activity intervention, by way of increasing physical exercise classes to daily during school, is successful in reducing childhood obesity

Brain activity can predict improvements in breathlessness during pulmonary rehabilitation

COVID-19 linked to increased risk for new-onset diabetes in men, but not women

MRI study shows COVID-19 during pregnancy does not harm fetal brain development

Childhood vaccine schedule has no link to diabetes, study confirms

"Enhancing" parenting: Preliminary evidence shows that training parents to be more sensitive caregivers led to enduring changes in their children's brain function lasting at least 12 years later

Lifetime psychedelic use may reduce likelihood of hypertension

Degarelix may reduce risk for committing child sexual abuse among men with pedophilic disorder

Down syndrome associated with 10-fold increased risk for COVID-19 mortality

FDA approves first US phage therapy trial (2019)

Tumor-infiltrating T-cells “capable of destroying every last cancer cell” in clinical trial: “We have a group of 44 patients with metastatic melanoma that are likely cured."

Study finds potential for silver-coated antimicrobial screen to protect cell phones of resident physicians against pathogens

More than 70% of US adults are not aware of HPV cancer risks

Study suggests that coinfection with parasitic helminths stimulates an immune response that may reduce HIV transmission or disease.

Lyme disease often misdiagnosed, resulting in unnecessary antibiotics

Risk for continued opioid use doubles when first administered during hospital stay

95% of health care workers report working with respiratory symptoms

Study finds evidence that increasing physical activity is an effective prevention strategy for depression

Young people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual were more likely to use more than one substance, alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes, compared with heterosexual youth

Machine learning links brain connectivity patterns with psychiatric symptoms

An intervention to reduce the sexual risk for HIV in young transgender women resulted in a nearly 40% reduction of condomless sex acts at 1-year follow-up compared with participants who received standard of care

Diet, lifestyle outweigh genetic impact on gut microbiome

Circumcised men at twice the risk for cancer-causing HPV, study shows

Study: Most physicians endorse disclosing medical errors involving pediatric patients "particularly when serious harm occurs"

Classic psychedelic drug use may be associated with reduced psychological distress and suicidality, according to data recently published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.