
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

What's functional programming all about? (2017)

12 years of the com.lihaoyi Scala Platform

So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool?

com.lihaoyi Scala: Executable Pseudocode that's Easy, Boring, and Fast

Reflecting on Four Years at Databricks

Strategic Scala Style: Principle of Least Power (2014)

From First Principles: Why Scala?

Build Your Own Command Line with ANSI Escape Codes

What's Functional Programming All About?

What's Next for Scala

Beyond Liskov: Type Safe Equality in Scala

How an Optimizing Compiler Works

Easy Parallel Programming with Scala Futures

Simple Web and Api servers with Scala

How to work with Files in Scala

Diving Into Other People's Code (2016)

Zero-Overhead Tree Processing with the Visitor Pattern

Zero-Overhead Tree Processing with the Visitor Pattern

Mill: Better Scala Builds

So, what's wrong with SBT (Scala)

How to conduct a good Coding Interview

What's Functional Programming All About?

Scala Vector operations aren't “Effectively Constant” time

Principles of Automated Testing

Scala Scripting: Getting to 1.0

Warts of the Scala programming language

Ammonite: Scala Scripting

What's Functional Programming All About?

Implicit Design Patterns in Scala

Old Design Patterns in Scala

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