
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Using the Topics API (Chrome Only, Opposed by Firefox/Safari)

Mozilla is hiring for positions in Gen AI and Ads

Help select new Firefox Recommended Extensions

CSS Performance Optimization

Puppeteer Support for Firefox

Firefox 129 released

Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to more users (2022)

Folder corruption in Thunderbird 122+

Firefox Sidebar and Vertical tabs: try them out

Jeremy Rowley resigns from DigiCert due to mass-revocation incident

<b>: The Bring Attention To element

Privacy-Preserving Attribution: Testing for a New Era of Privacy in Advertising

How can Firefox create the best support for web apps on the desktop?

Payment Request browser API is a faster more secure version of form payments

0Din: A GenAI Bug Bounty Program – Securing Tomorrow’s AI Together

New JavaScript Set methods

Privacy-Preserving Attribution

Using CSS nesting

Introducing the MDN HTTP Observatory

How WebRTC speaker selection works

Telekom Security: Revocation delay for TLS certificates

Mozilla's Ad-Targeting Guidelines

MDN tool that tells you of security gaps in your website

Copy and Paste context menu entries sometimes disabled when they should not be

New JavaScript Set Methods

Matt Klein on the cozy corners of the internet

Firefox development is moving from Mercurial to Git (2023)

Firefox "Bug" Leaked Saved Logins Across Profiles and Caused Break Up (2005)

IPC Fuzzing Firefox with VM Snapshots

Manifest V3 updates landed in Firefox 127

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