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Impatience is the emotion people feel when they face a delay that seems unfair, unreasonable, or inappropriate

Banning free plastic bags for groceries resulted in customer purchasing more plastic bags, study finds

Airborne plastic chemical levels shock researchers

Tapping into schadenfreude, German for “malicious pleasure,” may, ironically, do a lot of good by raising money for charity by boosting donations, suggests a new study

Soot from large wildfires in California traps sunlight, making days warmer and drier than they ought to be

Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains

We may be able to inhale scents that delay the onset of cancer, inflammation, or neurodegenerative disease in future

A new study may hold a secret for getting your teenager to listen to appreciate your unsolicited advice

First-ever sighting of a live newborn great white shark - no one has seen one in the wild, it seems, until now

High-fat diets affect negatively genes linked to the immune system, brain function, it can suppress a bacteria that protect the body against pathogens and also create an environment in which harmful gut bacteria can thrive

Researchers have found 2 two-dimensional compounds (MXene and MBene) that are only few atoms thick and can capture carbon from the air

Scientists unveil fire-safe fuel

Scientists uncover Covid’s weakness

Google’s Bard and ChatGPT in medical info queries: Bard provides the most current information, but query results are skewed by service and product providers seeking customers; ChatGPT…

While engaged in a physical task requiring effort, such as driving a car or carrying grocery bags, older adults are more likely than younger adults to be distracted by items irrelevant to the task at hand

Infants’ exposure to alcohol through breastmilk can have long-lasting effects on their development

A gene mutation that causes intellectual impairment and autism contributes to premature ovarian failure; is associated with early infertility

Protein targeting could deactivate mosquito sperm and control mosquito populations

Straight male Redditors who are attracted to trans women are driven by misogyny & desire to sexually dominate both trans & cis women

Fungi and bacteria are binging on burned soil

When bees get a taste for dead things (2021)

Fathers exposed to chemicals in plastics can affect the metabolic health of their offspring for two generations of mice

Decoding the Secret Language of Photosynthesis

Pollution cleanup method destroys toxic “forever chemicals”

Study in mice demonstrates that remote fear memories formed in the distant past are permanently stored in connections between memory neurons in the prefrontal cortex, and thanks to this findings, researchers were able to prevented the mice recalling remote but not recent fear memory

Earth might be experiencing 7th mass extinction, not 6th

Scientists are paving the way for diabetes and cancer patients to forget needles and injections, and instead take pills to manage their conditions

Broccoli gas, if detected by telescope in the atmosphere of another planet, would be suggestive of life somewhere on that planet

Taking camera-phone pictures of instructional slides helped students better retain content, not only for the slide information, but also for spoken-word content

A single chemical (the protein TGF-beta) is key to controlling when hair follicle cells divide, and when they die

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