Study extends chart of life by nearly 1.5 billion years

New study estimates that a 1-meter sea level rise by 2100 would affect over 14 million people and $1 trillion worth of property along the Southeast Atlantic coast, from Norfolk, Virginia, to Miami…

Researchers find potential method to control mosquito populations through genetic breeding, offering an alternative to insecticides

Researchers found that dogs housed with a well-matched companion were less stressed and adopted faster than dogs housed alone

Researchers have developed a new method to safely enhance immune cells’ ability to combat cancer

Study: Sinking land increases risk for thousands of coastal residents by 2050

Using a unique urinalysis technique, researchers have created a simple, noninvasive, rapid screen to detect the presence of cancer in dogs

Researchers discovered a new function for a common brain protein (RPT6): it helps form memories

Researchers use environmental justice questions to reveal geographic biases in ChatGPT

How certain media talk about AI may have everything to do with political ideology

Study found the changing global climate, especially temperature and rainfall, may be affecting the flavor and cost of beer: if warming temperatures cause decreased crop yields…

International team of scientists says that it’s time for an international shift in the way we think about ultra-processed food

Researchers has provided insights into the brain’s noradrenaline (NA) system, which has been a longtime target for medications to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, and anxiety, using real-time chemical activity from standard clinical electrodes