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More than 9,000 nurses surveyed across 35 countries share mental health challenges coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic

Better nurse staffing linked to fewer c-sections

New York University researchers found that public policies preventing suicide in the U.S. go beyond limiting firearms or expanding health care access

Study finds gender gap with children when it comes to negotiating - in a series of cognitive tasks, boys had a higher opinion of their abilities and therefore asked for higher bonuses, even though they performed no better than girls did in these tasks.

A new study investigating the impact of a guaranteed income program on low-income households in Compton, CA, finds that 18 months of cash transfer payments results in lower household income (not counting the transfers) and lower household spending

New study finds large language models are prone to social identity biases similar to the way humans are—but LLMs can be trained to stem these outputs

Young children less likely than adults to see discrimination as harmful

String theory, conceptualized more than 50 years ago as a framework to explain the formation of matter, remains elusive as a provable phenomenon

Adolescent boys may also respond aggressively when they believe their manhood is under threat—especially boys growing up in environments with rigid, stereotypical gender norms

Research shows possiblity to build microchips that can identify multiple diseases from a single cough or air, and can be produced at scale

42% of abortion patients incurred catastrophic health expenditures (CHEs) prior to the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade

A small reduction in meat production (13%), borne by wealthier nations, could remove 125 billion tons of carbon dioxide—exceeding the total number of global fossil fuel emissions over the past 3 years—from the atmosphere

Latinos who rely on Spanish-language social media for news were 11-20 percentage points more likely to believe false political narratives, finds study from NYU and UC San Diego

Memories are not only in the brain, new research finds

Researchers have developed a new crystalline material capable of harvesting water from fog without requiring any energy input

Political Polarization Poses Health Risks

Conservatives and liberals may be at odds on environmental issues, but a new study shows that framing the need to address climate change as patriotic and necessary to preserve the American “way of life” can increase belief in climate change and support for environmental policies among both groups.

Bundling Information Goods: Pricing, Profits, and Efficiency (1999) [pdf]

Scientists has identified how our brains work to process phrases that include negation (i.e., “not”), revealing that it mitigates rather than inverts meaning—in other words, in our minds, negation (“This coffee is not hot”) merely reduces the temperature of our coffee and does not make it “cold.”

The division between liberals and conservatives on both climate-change beliefs and related policy support is long-standing

Discrimination may accelerate the biological processes of aging by inducing changes at the molecular level, potentially uncovering a fundamental reason for disparities in age-related illnesses and mortality

How do birds flock? Research reveals previously unknown aerodynamic phenomenon

Psychology Study Unearths Ways to Bolster Global Climate Awareness and Climate Action

Researchers trained a multimodal AI system through the eyes and ears of a single child, using headcam video recordings from six months and through their second birthday

Topics in computer graphics

An international team of scientists has created a tool that can aid in increasing climate awareness and climate action globally by highlighting messaging themes shown to be effective through experimental research

Researchers reconstructed speech from brain activity, and are using it to build vocal reconstruction technology that recreates the voices of patients who have lost their ability to speak

Lethal climate change millions of years ago was due to volcanic eruptions, scientists conclude

New study identifies the neurons that have one job: to detect the unexpectedly erroneous, researchers call them “prediction-error neurons”

Black older adults and residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods at greater risk for cognitive decline linked to heat waves that hasten it

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