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A compound found in African wormwood, a plant used medicinally for thousands of years to treat cough and fever, could be effective against tuberculosis

Use of Prolog for developing a new programming language (1992)

Parents who use humor have better relationships with their children, study finds

Serving a dip with a salty snack greatly promotes calorie intake: chips and dip together yielded a 77% greater caloric intake, and a faster total eating rate compared to the just chips, no-dip control

American diets briefly became healthier and more diverse during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic

Re-engineering cancerous tumors to self-destruct and kill drug-resistant cells

Potential new target for early treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Disrupting a class of sugar-modified proteins improves cell repair, rescues neuron loss and reverses cellular changes associated with neurodegenerative diseases, researchers report in in an animal model (fruit fly) of Alzheimer's.

Short-term loneliness associated with physical health problems

Secure access to food and water decreasing for US children: Between 2005 and 2020, the number of children facing water and food insecurity in the US more than doubled

Analytical Methods for Dynamic Simulation of Non-penetrating Rigid Bodies

1 in 8 grown-ups love extreme tartness, finds a new cross-cultural study that demonstrated there is a subset of “sour likers” who enjoy exceptionally sour foods

Lone actors more likely to commit terrorist acts than U.S. extremist groups

Size of salty snack influences eating behavior that determines amount consumed: People eat larger pretzels quicker with larger bites

An avocado a day may improve overall diet quality, researchers report

Trees struggle to ‘breathe’ as climate warms, researchers find

Study explored the impacts of Arctic warming on U.S

Programming of human stem cells into components of blood vessels

Improving AI medical summarization tools: researchers introduced a framework to fine-tune the training of natural language processing (NLP) models that are used to create medical summaries

Trees are struggling to sequester heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) in warmer, drier climates

An often-overlooked water plant that can double its biomass in two days, capture nitrogen from the air — making it a valuable green fertilizer — and be fed to poultry and livestock could serve as life-saving food for humans in the event of a catastrophe or disaster

Low voice pitch increases standing among strangers: Researchers found lower voice pitch makes women and men sound more attractive to potential long-term partners, and lower voice pitch in males makes the individual sound more formidable and prestigious among other men.

Habitual mobile phone users engage in less information processing, more likely to fall for misinformation on their mobile phones than on personal computers

ScatterAlloc: Massively Parallel Dynamic Memory Allocation for the GPU

Study on 142 children aged from birth to 18 months, found adding fish to a toddler’s repertoire of finger foods may help protect them from neurodevelopmental delays thanks to a child’s microbiome that amplified the positive-influence

While screen time is generally known to affect sleep, new research suggests that interactive engagement, such as texting friends or playing video games, delays and reduces the time spent asleep to a greater extent than passive screen time…

Newly identified biomarkers may detect early cognitive decline via blood test

Study of ancient British oral microbiomes reveals shift following Black Death

Social media influencers may affect more than voter opinions: study suggests that social media influencers cause political parties to moderate their policy positions while prompting the rest of society to become more polarized

Earth-like planets, including planets with water, could form even in the harshest known planet-forming environments, according to a new study conducted using the James Webb Space Telescope

Cannabinoids CBD and CBG may promote bone fracture healing by increasing periosteal bone progenitors that form bone tissue

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