
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

What is the point of an online conference?

Fast B-Trees

Serious fun


Baby's second WASM compiler

Ruminating about mutable value semantics

Zest: syntax

Memory-mapped IO registers in zig (2021)

SQL is syntactic sugar for relational algebra

How to trade software for small money?

Unexplanations: query optimization works because sql is declarative

Zest: notation and representation

Reflections on a decade of coding: On bad advice

There are no strings on me

Columnar kernels in go?

Moving faster

A shallow survey of OLAP and HTAP query engines

Implementing Interactive Languages

Baby's first WASM compiler

Local state is harmful (2014)

Reflections on a Decade of Coding

The program is the database is the interface

Quick and dirty review of Psychology of Programming Interest Group papers, 1989-2015

How (memory) safe is zig? (UPDATED)

How Safe Is Zig?

HYTRADBOI 2022 postmortem

The Shape of Data


Why start a new database conference?


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