The Tragedy of the Common Lisp: Why Large Languages Explode (2015)

C isn't a hangover and Rust isn't a cure

Test setup and teardown in Rust without a framework

Medium embraces Mastodon

Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale

We cut our yearly server costs 80% – from $1M to $200k – by moving away from AWS

Non-Euclidean geometry and games (2019)

When life gives you lemons, write better error messages

Let's Make Amazon into a Dumb Pipe

TikTok is manipulative, addictive, and harmful to privacy

The Fall of Reddit: Why It’s Quickly Declining into Chaos

Linux Accessibility: an unmaintained Mess

The Environmental Cost of a Byte

What is AT&T; doing at 1111340002?

CSS Is Finally Getting If/Else Statements

Scribe – An alternative front-end to Medium

What every software engineer should know about search

Federated E-Cash as a Bitcoin Scaling Technology Will Ruin Email If It Succeeds. It Must Fail