
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Programmer-friendly structured concurrency for Java

Synchronising Concurrent Tasks in Rust Using Tokio

Exploring built-in stream gatherers

Jox 0.1: virtual-thread friendly channels for Java

Self-documenting code is a myth

Go-like selects using jox channels in Java

Announcing jox: Fast and Scalable Channels in Java

Java 21: switch the power on

Limits of JVM+Loom's performance - and how it compares to Kotlin

What is blocking in Loom?

How to migrate a Spring Boot app to a native image?

The architecture of Mastodon

Micronaut vs Quarkus — what’s the difference?

Annoying things in Scala 2 that’ll be (mostly) gone in Scala 3

Java 15 through the eyes of a Scala programmer

Comparing Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar by Jaroslaw Kijanowski

This month we've learned: fzf, Datadog and Teraform

Will Project Loom obliterate Java Futures?

Cassandra and custom types converters

Alpakka Kafka connector — an open-source Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala

Various approaches for setting up test dependencies

Working with HTTP in Polynote

sttp — an open-source library with simple, type-safe API for defining HTTP requests

Kleisli Category — From theory to Cats

Learned in October:  Scala Steward, tables in DB index and a React hack

GCP Goodies Part 10— Measuring happiness with Google Cloud Vision API

Detecting hand-marked video clips with TensorFlow

Streaming Google Analytics data into Kafka with Snowplow in real-time

Websockets in Scala using sttp

GCP Goodies Part 8— Stackdriver debugging

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