HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet: A Quick Reference

Linux File Permissions Cheat Sheet

Bash Cheat Sheet: Tips and Tricks for the Terminal

Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet: All the Commands You Need

The SSH Commands Cheat Sheet that covers basic SSH commands, SSH configurations and options, remote server management, advanced SSH commands, and tunneling, including using a router and Wireshark to capture web traffic on a remote host

Tmux Cheat Sheet: Essential Commands And Quick References

The Ultimate tcpdump Cheat Sheet: Packet Capture Made Easy

curl Cheat Sheet: Helpful Commands and Hacks

PowerShell Cheat Sheet - covers key topics such as objects, regular expressions, operators, and tips and best practices for working with

JavaScript Security: How to Mitigate the Top Risks Now

Unix Commands Cheat Sheet: All the Commands You Need

The ultimate Vi cheat sheet - essential vi commands cheat sheet that will help navigate the various vi modes, edit text, cut/copy/paste, search and replace keywords etc

Python Data Structures Cheat Sheet: The Essential Guide

The Helpful XPath Cheat Sheet Every Web App Developer Needs