Crossing the Impossible FFI Boundary, and My Gradual Descent Into Madness

Crossing the impossible FFI boundary, and my gradual descent into madness

Higher RAII, and the Seven Arcane Uses of Linear Types

Exploring Seamless Rust Interop for Newer Languages, Part 1

Borrow Checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven () Other Memory Safety Approaches

Vale's first prototype for immutable region borrowing

Making C++ safe without borrow checking, reference counting, or tracing GC

What Vale taught me about linear types, borrowing, and memory safety

Memory Safety Without Borrow Checking, Reference Counting, or Garbage Collection

The Link Between Generics, Compile Times, Type-Erasure, Cloud Building, and Hot-Code Reloading

How to Survive Your Project's First 100k Lines

Implementing Vale's Region Borrowing, and its Unexpected Quest

Memory Safety Approaches Speed Up and Slow Down Development Velocity

Implementing a New Memory Safety Approach, Part 1

Zero-Cost Memory Safety with Vale Regions (Preview)

Hash Codes, Non-Determinism, and Other Eldritch Horrors

When to use memory safe languages

Vale's Hybrid-Generational Memory

Vale's "Fearless FFI", for Memory Safety, Safer Dependencies, and Supply-Chain Attack Mitigation

Heisenbugs: The most elusive kind of bug, and how to capture them with Perfect Replayability

Vale 0.2 Released: Higher RAII, Concept Functions, Const Generics, FFI, Modules, Faster Compiles, set Keyword

A Tale of Yak Shaving: Accidentally Making a Language, for an Engine, for a Game

Surprising Weak-Ref Implementations: Swift, Obj-C, C++, Rust, and Vale

Vale's Higher RAII, the pattern that saved me a vital 5 hours in the 7DRL Challenge

Seamless, Fearless, and Structured Concurrency

Data Races in Python, Despite the Global Interpreter Lock