Classic Usenet posts on computer architecture, operating systems and languages

The prospects for 128 bit processors (John R. Mashey, 1995)

RISC vs. CISC by John R. Mashey (1995)

Software-Refilled TLBs

The prospects for 128 bit processors

Usenet Archives Collected by Norman Yarvin

Risks of automatic newspaper publishing (1995)

The Carrington Event: not something to worry about (2020)

Linus Torvalds on EFI Intel Brain Damage

Memory Barriers (2003)

MIPS Prospects (1992)

Everything is a file principle – comments by Linus

Pistol sights

Usenet Computer YArchive

The penguin logo (Linus Torvalds)

Git bisect (Linus Torvalds)

Usenet Archives


Stress Analysis of a Software Project [1994]

Light cone analogy for git-bisect (2006)

Long sentences

Polyglot Program (1991)

Forward Page Tables vs. Inverted Page Tables

Linus Torvalds on semaphores

X86 versus other architectures (Linus Torvalds) (2003)