ECMAScript 2020: the final feature set

Class definitions in TypeScript

A class-based enum pattern for JavaScript

ECMAScript Proposal- `String.prototype.replaceAll`

Techniques for instantiating classes

Attributes of object properties in JavaScript

Show reddit: The problems of shared mutable state and how to avoid them

Remainder operator vs. modulo operator (with JavaScript code)

How do JavaScript’s global variables really work?

Numeric separators for JavaScript (ES Proposal)

Future JavaScript: what is still missing?

ECMAScript 2019: the final feature set

Creating and filling Arrays of arbitrary lengths in JavaScript

ECMAScript modules in Node.js: the new plan

Tip: npm-installing directories

Node.js 10 lets you iterate asynchronously over streams!

JavaScript vs. TypeScript vs. ReasonML

ECMAScript 2018: the final feature set

A different way of understanding `this` in JavaScript

`for-await-of` and synchronous iterables

Currying is not idiomatic in JavaScript

Feature watch: ECMAScript 2018 -- Last updated: 2017-11-06

Using ES modules natively in Node.js

Beyond typeof and instanceof: simplifying dynamic type checks

Passing data between Promise callbacks

ES proposal: RegExp Unicode property escapes

ES proposal: class fields

Node.js 8: util.promisify()

Functional pattern: flatMap

ES proposal: RegExp named capture groups

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