
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Template literal types in TypeScript: parsing during type checking and more

TypeScript enums: use cases and alternatives

Mastodon's weaknesses and how to fix them

ECMAScript 2024: What's New?

Proposal: Promise with Resolvers

ECMAScript 2023 feature: symbols as WeakMap keys

The history of “typeof null” (2013)

ECMAScript proposal: iterator helpers

ShadowRealms – an ECMAScript proposal for a better `eval()`

JavaScript metaprogramming with the 2022-03 decorators API

Installing and running Node.js bin scripts

An overview of Node.js: architecture, APIs, event loop, concurrency

RFC 9239: text/javascript is now the only standard MIME type for JavaScript

Working with the File System on Node.js

Alternatives to installing npm packages globally

Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2022: What’s new?

The triple dot syntax (` `) in JavaScript: rest vs. spread

ECMAScript proposal “Change Array by copy”: four new non-destructive Array methods

First look: adding type annotations to JavaScript

Google SoundScript: faster OOP for JavaScript [2015]

JavaScript naming conflicts: How existing code can force proposed features to be renamed

ECMAScript proposal: grouping Arrays via .groupBy() and .groupByToMap()

A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases

New in Node.js: "node:" protocol imports

ES2022 feature: class static initialization blocks

Currying versus partial application (with JavaScript code)

JavaScript needs more helper functions for iteration (map, filter, etc.) – where should we put them?

TypeScript and native ESM on Node.js

Temporal: Getting started with JavaScript's new date time API

`undefined` vs. `null` revisited

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