Finally decided to make my Dream Game of 15 Years, about Driving on Google Maps

Oh wow, who could’ve seen this coming?


how do I get my Java to work while installing Iris for Minecraft shaders? Is this the first time I'm trying to download iris and Java? whenever I try to open the iris installer with java it shows this window?

Got trolled on a mailing list? Write a paper about it, of course! (pre-WWW internet was weird...)

strict to test waterproof mobile workstation,panasonic semi rugged laptop fz 55

How would I do this?

Hello Java people, I’m looking to find out why I cannot open this file using Java.

Struggling to find the DLL error from last 12 hrs

Am I doing this rust thing right?

My product has exceeded the Vercel Hobby Plan limits. What should I do now?

Epsilon-NFA to DFA

need some help , am i in trouble?

Not only a book direly needed by every Seventh Day Adventist; but also, one of the best-written compsci textbooks I have -ever- read

How to round numbers

Application goes down without any trace.(Struts2)

Is there a reason ChatGPT is so bad with 'hard data' like years, ISBN, DOI etc? Because when I ask for BibTeX stuff, it always gets the titles, authors, etc right, but these 'hard data' wrong! (article is published in 2008)

3 hours until registration deadline: Free 9-week international AI research program: BeyondAI -

AI Generator Learns to Draw Like Cartoonist Lee Mal-Nyeon in Just 10 Hours

downloading windows on macos

Help with VS Code

This weird error shows up whenever I open a rust file in neovim(it uses rust-analyzer) but there is no error shown when I run `cargo check`

Wrote a fibonacci series example for my language

How D. E

Fun fact, you can write function's docs in its body, but don't tell anyone 👀. Rust is not Python 🐍

Functional languages be slowin' amirite, fellas? (taken from the book "Purely Functional Data Structures" --- there's a dissertation version too, which is free…

current java market

i just can't stop using zig.. i think im addicted 🥶

Drew my idol Alan M Turing for our CS library

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