Migrating from AWS to Self-Hosting

Java for AWS Lambda

Gokapi: Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative with AWS S3 support

Launch Kubernetes cluster with Grafana, OpenTelemetry, Fluent Bit and Prometheus on AWS

AWS and Azure Are at Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner

Partitioning in AWS Redshift: A Guide to Boosting Performance

Popular iOS and Android Apps Contain Hardcoded AWS and Azure Credentials

Show HN: Run a Rust HTTP Server in AWS Lambda (Axum+Scaffoldly)

Writing an HTTP Router for AWS Lambda Functions From Scratch With Go

Python script to loop through all 4 AWS accounts

How to use AWS lambda layers with quarkus lambda function

How to build an API with Lambdas, API Gateway and deploy with AWS CDK

Creating a new AWS CDK Project and deploying a Lambda Function

Having trouble automating building binaries for lambda via AWS CDK

Notes on AWS Nitro Enclaves: Attack Surface

AWS claims its cloud faces competition from on-premises IT

AWS Nitro Enclaves: Attack Surface

21 More AWS Services They Should Cancel

Hacking misconfigured AWS S3 buckets: A complete guide

Announcing General Availability of the AWS SDK for Swift

Deploy and manage AWS resources using Terraform – A FREE Course! πŸ†“

AWS moves OpenSearch under the Linux Foundation umbrella

Intel Creating Foundry Subsidiary and Announces AWS Chip Win

AWS AI Stack – Ready-to-Deploy Serverless AI App on AWS and Bedrock

A Simple Office Building Analogy to understand AWS VPC !! You Won’t Forget for your exam :)

How AWS Well-Architected Framework Supports Frugal Architecture

AWS IAM Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys in NPM Package Updated Daily

AWS deployment and third party api private keys: where to store them?

What are the key factors to consider when choosing between AWS and Azure for cloud migration?

How to Deploy Node.js to AWS Lambda with OpenTofu and GitHub Actions

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