How Photoshop solved working with files larger than can fit into memory

How vector image editing app Boxy SVG uses the Local Font Access API to let

Popover API

Web SQL deprecation timeline updated

How the 3D model editor Blockbench uses the EyeDropper API to let users choose

New in Chrome 113

What’s new for web on Android 2023

Chrome ships WebGPU

Chrome Dev Tools can now override response headers including CORS

Federated Credential Management API

Richer UI install available for desktop

Richer UI install available for desktop

What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 113)

SPA view transitions land in Chrome 111

Partnering with Fastly–Oblivious HTTP relay for FLEDGE's 𝑘-anonymity server

Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning

Privacy win! Users now share their screens more wisely

Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning

A new home for the Project Fugu API Showcase

Prepare for Chrome's user‑agent reduction

DevTools Tips: Discover CSS issues

Framework tools for font fallbacks

Working with the industry to evolve CHIPS

New requirements for the Web Share API in third-party iframes

What's New in DevTools (Chrome 111)

Getting Started with Style Queries

Experimenting with measuring soft navigations

Improved font fallbacks

What's New In DevTools (Chrome 110)

What's new in Lighthouse 10

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