
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Chrome DevTools now uses Gemini to help with JavaScript Errors in the console

How Photoshop solved working with files larger than can fit into memory

What Are Chrome Flags?

High Definition CSS Color Guide

Compression efficiency with shared dictionaries in Chrome

Test Web Bluetooth with Puppeteer

Looking for iMacros extension alternatives for Google Chrome's browser since in June 2024 they will update to manifest 3.0 and iMacros is with manifest 2.0 is no longer supported to be updated?

Web AI Model Testing: WebGPU, WebGL, and Headless Chrome

WebGPU is now available on Android

We don't have official RSS feed support for now, but we're working on a solution

Harness the power of WebDriver BiDi: Chrome and Firefox automation with Puppeteer | Blog | Chrome for Developers

New in Chrome 120 back button detection

Chrome.userScripts API requires developer mode

Google resumes transition to Manifest V3 for Chrome extensions

WasmGC – Run GC languages such as Kotlin, Java in Chrome browser

Preparing for the end of third-party cookies

Capturing the WebGPU Ecosystem

Old Manifest V2 Chrome extensions will be disabled in 2024

Service Worker Static Routing API Origin Trial

FedCM updates: Login Status API, Error API, and Auto-selected Flag API

A change to the default durability mode in IndexedDB

WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) now enabled by default in Chrome Developers

Select element: now with horizontal rules

Preparing for the end of third-party cookies

What's happening in Chrome Extensions?

CSS prefers-reduced-transparency

Serial over Bluetooth on the web

Chromium issue tracker migration

Chrome 119 beta

From WebGL to WebGPU

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