Apache Drill 1.0 – Schema-Free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop and NoSQL

Processing frameworks for Hadoop

Hadoop Toolbox: When to Use What

MapReduce for C: Run Native Code in Hadoop

Impala: a modern, open-source SQL engine for Hadoop

Let's Build a Modern Hadoop

Introducing Statsd-jvm-profiler: A JVM Profiler for Hadoop

Command-line tools can be 235x faster than your Hadoop cluster

Show HN: Cast Data Application Platform – Build Data Applications on Hadoop

Apache Drill: Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop and NoSQL

How-to: Create a Simple Hadoop Cluster with VirtualBox

Crunch – Go-based toolkit for ETL and feature extraction on Hadoop

Kylin: OLAP engine for Hadoop from eBay

Making PostgreSQL Scale Hadoop-style: Benchmark Numbers

Inviso: Visualizing Hadoop Performance

A New Analytics Toolbox with Apache Spark – Going Beyond Hadoop

Riemann profiler: across this thousand-node Hadoop job, what functions consume the most CPU time, and why?

Moving product recommendations from Hadoop to Redshift saves us time and money

Multi-node Hadoop cluster on Docker

Hadoop's Uncomfortable Fit in HPC