NeoVim IDE setup

Wrote a post about sorting lines in Neovim, almost wrote an intro to Vim instead

A rust and Neovim setup with debugging

Rust analyzer without cargo.toml in neovim Coc

I migrated from vim, which I had been using for ten years, to neovim

NeoVim & Rust

Introducing tsc.nvim: Project-Wide Asynchronous TypeScript Type-Checking & Diagnostics for Neovim

Neovim 0.9

Rust, RR, Neovim: A perfect debug combination

Neovim Coc-rust-analyzer

gopls package completion of 3rd party packages stops working when vendoring dependencies. Using neovim with nvim-cmp.

Developing rust with Neovim/Astrovim is terrible experience

AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich Neovim config

A Neovim Task Runner in 30 lines of Lua

Show HN: CodeGPT.nvim – ChatGPT plugin for Neovim

How to make semantic token highlighting work with gopls in neovim?

My Development Setup (Neovim, Tmux, Alacritty & other Rust-based Tools)

issue with go path for neovim

neovim lsp rust-analyzer, some projects require special targets+features and others dont.. how to handle projects?

My first project: Rewrote my Python script "easy-i3-neovim-nav" in Rust

Neovim Tranquil Theme

neovim setup for rust ?

Show HN: Codeium: Free Copilot Alternative for Vim / Neovim

Why I'm using (Neo)Vim as a Data Engineer and Writer in 2023

Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox and Others

NixVim: Configure Neovim with Nix

Neovim Conf 2022

Researching Lispy Neovim

VSCode-Neovim: Use embedded Neovim in VSCode without emulation

[Media] Any neovim users here? Can you help me figure out why I'm getting this popup error when opening a rust file? nvim 0.8.1, rust-analyzer 0.0.0 (ba28e19b7 2022-10-29, tree-sitter 0.20.7

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