Firefox 89 Proton UI Tab Styling

Execute a command and get both output and exit status in C++

Exclude lines in less (or journalctl)

CKermit as a snap, for Ubuntu 20.04

It compiles does not always mean that it works

All packages that were present in Ubuntu 18.04 but absent in Ubuntu 20.04

VNC client running on a coffee machine

Three ways to print booleans as 'True' or 'False' in C++

Limit specific process memory on desktop linux with cgroups and earlyoom

QT / QML Signals and Slots with C++

The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is still developed and modern in 2021

Lets talk about changelogs (how I loathe 'bugfixes and performance improvements)

OpenVMS CDE Desktop Remote X session GUI

C++ std::async with a concurrency limit (via semaphores)

Bash HTTP Monitoring Dashboard

Hacker News vs in C++, an exercise in parsing json http api's and date/time/timezones

I've packaged up Gnash as a snap, for modern linux

Semi-accurate live stream viewer count (hls/rtmp/restreamer) on the command line

Installing OpenVMS 8.4 Alpha inside AXPbox with networking

Exciting OpenVMS Alpha Emulation news, es40 has been forked to Axpbox (and works!)

I enforced the AGPL on my code, here's how it went

CookieNumberPrinter, incremental / idle game style numbers in C++

Tiny Tiny RSS vs Miniflux

Store multiple types in a single std::map in C++ with std::any, just like a python dict

Local incremental backups of Google Photos on Ubuntu with gphotos-sync

Ubuntu Snap auto updates broke my development setup and there is no way to turn them off

The Twitter Bitcoin hack can happen anywhere humans are involved

Running gnash on Ubuntu 20.04 (in Docker with X11 forwarding)

Installing PyGopherd on Ubuntu 20.04

Github Actions, C++ with Boost and cmake, almost a 50% speedup with caching

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